travel europe greece the island of santorini/thira oia summer lovers

Oia was the base location for the 1982 film "Summer Lovers" starring Daryl Hannah, Valerie Quennessen, and Peter Gallagher.
I first saw this film by myself while I was living in Denver for several weeks on business for RMP.
One movie reviewer put this film at the top of his list of movies he is embarrassed to admit he enjoyed... I agree whole heartedly.
The scenery is beautiful (both Santorini and Daryl), and the menage-a-trois plot is a take-off on every teenage boy's fantasy,
The music is lively and memorable, but the acting is sometimes questionable at best... and some of the dialogue is laughable....
Still, an entertaining escape.
Whenever I need a light-hearted escape, I watch this movie or listen to the soundtrack. Lynn actually enjoys it too... at least once in a while.

Lisa, a fellow traveler and photographer Lynn and I met on the cruise, was also a fan of the movie and liked to visit and take photos of movie locations.
We searched out the location and took turns having our picture taken in front of the fabled location.

I hung around the area for about an hour... but Daryl never showed up....
Maybe I should have called first.

TRAVEL: August 2013

travel fanatics unlimited
This location has earned a 5 star (excellent) rating from
Travel Fanatics Unlimited

unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

Movie posters for Summer Lovers," 1982.

Close-up of the "Summer Lovers" house, Oia, Santorini, Greece, 2013.

Daryl Hannah at the "Summer Lovers" house as it looked in the movie, Oia, Santorini, Greece, 1982.

Another angle on the "Summer Lovers" house, Oia, Santorini, Greece, 2013.

Me, enduring the heat in Oia to see the Summer Lovers house, Santorini, Greece, 2013.
Behind me, the house with the vaulted roof (second one back), is the house Peter and Daryl rented in the movie.
(photo by Lisa)

copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised march 2020